Why do it?
This is one activity that involves mums, dads, kids, grand-parents, couples and singles with total equality. There's no need to learn how to operate any equipment, you don't need to be 'online' and you don't need to be a scientific expert, or even be able to cook!
Attracting and feeding your garden birds can become a topic of conversation for family and friends. Rather than discussing what level you are at Candy Crush, or what dreadful event is happening in Walford or Weatherfield , you can, instead, start comparing notes on the birds you have attracted and you can share successes on the foods you have used or the feeders that get birds most interested. I had three Blue Tits, a Robin and a Chaffinch in the garden this morning - can soon be your boast of the day!
Ten Top Tips To Get You Started
1. Get the youngest, or oldest to cut out pictures of the commonest garden birds from newspapers or magazines. This will give you encouragement as to what you might attract, and also help identify your bird visitors.
2. Involve everyone in the house. Even those that claim to have no interest, or can't tell a Sparrow from a Starling, can soon be won around when they see everyone else getting enthusiastic.
3. Get the children to find out whether their school friends feed the birds, or if the school has a garden or place where they could put up feeders. Likewise if you have a relative or friend in a sheltered house or nursing home, then they too could get involved. The more enthusiasm from family and friends, then the better the results.
4. Plan together to see what feeders you want. A simple bird table, a seed or nut container, or maybe just put the food on the ground.
5. Start small, and give it time. It takes the birds a while to know there's a new cafe in town.
6. Don't put out food too close to the house, but make sure you can all see the birds that come.
7. Keep the feeding regular so the birds get used to knowing when to come. Like us, they want to know when dinner is.
8. Be inventive. The birds don't mind the dusty bits from cereal packets or the cut-up bacon rinds.
9. Experiment with different mixes of seeds and foods to see what the different birds enjoy. Fat balls, coconut halves, lovely creepy crawly mealworms, and extravagant looking feeders could be the next step
10. Finally, make sure you all have some fun and pleasure from feeding your birds.
View our full range of Bird Feeds and Seeds here
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