Can I use a worm composting kit to grow worms for fishing, and will they multiply enough for me to harvest them regularly?

Yes, a worm composting kit, is ideal for growing worms for fishing, and they will multiply effectively if cared for properly. Worms like Dendrobaena veneta are perfect for this purpose as they are hardy, lively, and highly attractive to fish.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Will the Worms Multiply?
    Absolutely! Worms reproduce quickly when kept in the right conditions. Each worm can produce a cocoon every 7–10 days, with 2–4 baby worms per cocoon. This means you’ll have a steady and sustainable supply of worms over time.

  2. How to Create the Best Conditions:

    • Temperature: Keep your worm farm between 15°C and 25°C.

    • Moisture: The bedding should be damp, like a wrung-out sponge.

    • Food: Feed small amounts of vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells. Avoid meat, dairy, and acidic foods.

    • Airflow: Keep the bedding loose to allow oxygen flow.

  3. Harvesting Worms for Fishing:
    When the worm population grows, you can start harvesting. Mature worms are usually found near the top of the wormery, where food scraps are added. Take only a portion at a time to allow the rest to keep reproducing.

  4. Additional Benefits:
    Alongside worms for fishing, your worm farm will produce nutrient-rich compost and liquid fertiliser (worm tea) for your garden—a fantastic bonus for gardeners.

By maintaining good care, your wormery will become a sustainable source of bait for fishing and a great way to recycle your food waste.

Order a Wiggly Worm Farm here

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