Special Festive Freebie! A bag of Wiggly Fir Cones (Worth £5) when you order any other product!
(Contains 40-50 Pine Cones)
1. Decorate your home
Fir cones are fabulous at Christmas and beyond. For a simple display place some in a bowl or vase – with or without fairylights. They bring the outdoors in, have a forest scent and look even better with a few mini baubles or satsumas… For the more creative types you can make table place names, wreaths, and garlands. In our world natural is best but if you like glitter and paint enjoy yourself and go wild :)
2. Help your wildlife garden
Adding your pine cones to your bug hotel is a great way to provide a sheltered habitat for all sorts of bugs and beasties and in particular ladybirds love them. They also make a great mulch – whole or broken up – and they are a slug deterent as well! For the keen wildlife gardener make a pine cone birdfeeder
3. To light the fire or woodburner
Many of us are likely to use our open fires and woodburners even more this year – especially if we have an inexpensive source of wood. Farmer Phil always that firewood keeps you warm three times. You get warm when you cut it, warm when you split and stack it and then finally warm when you burn it. Anyway, you can mix wax with your pine cones if you like but if like me you keep things simple fir cones make a great fire starter instead of kindling. A totally unmanufactured way of helping light the fire and they look great in a box in your hearth (Obviously if you have a Labrador this won’t work as they take them and crunch them up on a daily basis…)

To claim: Simply add our bag of Fir Cones to your basket (https://www.wigglywigglers.co.uk/products/wiggly-fir-cones) with any other wiggly product and your fir cones will automatically be discounted at the checkout!
Offer ends 20th December at 4pm.
This offer can only be used once per customer and once per order.