Happy International Earthworm Day!

In 2016 the Earthworm Society of Britain (ESB) nominated 21st October as World Earthworm Day to give the world an opportunity to celebrate these ecologically vital and under-appreciated animals. An October date was chosen in order to honor the father of earthworm ecology, Charles Darwin, as this is the month that his book 'The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Actions of worms' was published - he studied earthworms for over 40 years!

For 2020 it was decided that the theme for this year is

Super Composters - World Earthworm Day 2020

Which we feel is pretty ideal for us :) 

We love a good worm and there's no better use than for composting your kitchen waste!

Want your own earthworm ecosystem that recycles your kitchen waste? Order one of our Urbalive Worm Composters here https://www.wigglywigglers.co.uk/collections/urbalive-wormery-kits (Plus they are £20 off until the end of October!)

Our Garden worms are also excellent for your garden! They replenish tired and impoverished soils the natural way... with lots of extra worms. Every earthworm in your garden acts as an intelligent micro-plough, aerating, draining and feeding the soil as it goes.

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