Thanks to the incredible support by our customers we have awarded 25 charities with a grant of £200 to help them at this hard time.
We gave £1 for every order placed that was £30 or over, plus gave all customers the chance to donate at the checkout - and so far we've raised over £3000!
For more information and to apply, please wiggle on over to
Find details of all 5 Charities below :)
Blyth wildlife rescue
They are going to use the funding towards their minimum running costs per month. Currently, at £1500 a month minimum - all staff are volunteers there is no paid staff.
More information here:
Brent Lodge Wildlife Hospital
They Care for young and seasonal wildlife casualties to get them healthy for release.
They are going to use the funding to provide care to over 1,500 wildlife casualties. The task of caring for baby birds and other wildlife casualties without volunteer support due to the restrictions will mean they require an increase in staffing hours and resources to manage their care.
More information here:
Pricklebums Hedgehog Rescue
They Admit and treat hedgehogs that need care.
They need to be able to cover vets bills, medicines, food and the costs of running the hospital - food, supplies, electricity etc
Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue
They aid with the rescue, rearing and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned wildlife.
They are going to use the funding for food and medical supplies for orphaned young birds and mammals.
More information here:
West Wales hedgehogs
They aid with Treatment and rehabilitation of hedgehogs and getting them back to the wild asap. At all times treating all wild animals and with dignity and respect.
They are going to use the funding to continue their work by paying the vet bill for worming drugs that we use.