How to save money feeding your garden birds.

We all want to do our bit for the wildlife in our garden but especially now with the cost of living crisis we want to save our money. Here’s some great ideas to feed your birds on a budget.

1: Buy birdfood in bulk.

As long as you have somewhere to store your birdfood which is clean and dry buying loose birdfood in bulk is the way to save. VAT free mixes and less packaging mean you can save a huge amount per kilo on buying smaller amounts.

2: Choose a general good quality mix.

You can go to the trouble of buying straight seed and mixing your own mix but the simple option is to buy a good quality general mix. There’s no point in buying one with lots of filler or lots of wheat as you want the best protein and fat content for each £ you spend. A mix like Wiggly Seed Extra has a good variety of quality seeds and so would be a great option.

3: Prevent vermin and unwanted visitors.

If you think your bird food is running out really quickly it’s worth checking that squirrels or rats aren’t raiding your feeders. Squirrels are easier to spot than rats as they feed during the day, whereas rats eat at night time.

If this is the case equipping yourself with a squirrel proof feeder is the best option, and in terms of rats they are usually attracted initially by food that has dropped underneath your feeder or feeding station. Clear this regularly to remove any waste and that should help.

Don’t stop feeding your birds if you do have rats – rather stop for a few days so that they move on and if not – address the rat problem as they will be attracted by more than a bit of birdfood so will need addressing with a pest controller. It’s really important to disinfect your feeders regularly whether you have other pests or not as a feeder can help spread diseases and bugs between birds – just like us all gathering for a party can.

4: Grow your own birdfood!

You can supply plenty of natural birdfood in your garden. Berry bearing shrubs, trees and hedging can supply plentiful food especially through the Autumn and Winter. Some of the best trees for this are Rowan, Holly, and Blackthorn – all of which are easy to plant and look after – and of course the buds will attract the birds in Spring.

Planting a wildflower meadow will be a haven to all sorts of insects that will provide lots of protein for your birds - especially in the breeding season, and of course fruit bushes and trees can be a feast for us and your birds if you are happy to share :)

5: Use your kitchen leftovers.

Supplement your Wiggly Birdseeds and Feeds with leftover kitchen scraps. You can use cooked rice, mashed potatoes, cake and biscuit crumbs, and chopped up fruit. If you have time you can easily make  your own suet balls. One key thing to note is not to use leftover fat from your roast as it doesn’t harden and causes problems for bird’s feathers… instead melt some suet and mix your ingredients into it and press into a mould – a used yogurt pot is perfect. When it’s set hang it up for your birds to enjoy.

6: Ensure you have no waste…

The easiest way of ensuring you have the minimum of waste is to put food out for your birds at the same time each morning. Even if your birds eat all the food before the next day they will learn when you put the food out and flock to the feeder at that point. Birds like regular meals just like us and the critical meal of the day for a bird is… Breakfast!

Wiggly Wigglers offer a full range of birdseeds and feeds sent direct to you from our farm.

All best
Team Wiggly

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