More Wormery FAQ's

Should I add cardboard to the sump tray of my wormery?

This is not needed. If the worms are congregating in the sump tray then this is an indication that there is an issue with the contents of the upper trays.


How long does it take worms to compost?

Creating quality composts takes approximately 2-3 months. It mainly depends on the number of earthworms and the quality of 'food'. Creating quality composts takes approximately 2-3 months. It mainly depends on the number of earthworms and the quality of 'food'.


Can you put worms in a normal compost bin?

You can do - they will definitely help work through the material. They won't eat it as quickly as food waste, but they can work with the green waste. In a typical garden compost bin, we'd recommend starting with 2kg of Composting worms.


How do I know if my worm compost is ready?

Here are a few tell-tale signs; The majority of your compost has a deep, rich color - it will also have the same texture throughout. Usually your worms will have moved out of this tray to a tray with fresher waste, this can also mean that you will see less eggs in the finished compost. There may also be a almost fluffy black top layer to the tray.


What do I do about waste shrinkage in the lower trays of the wormery?

It is important to maintain the level of waste in the lower trays of the wormery as the waste is reducing. If the level drops too much then it makes if difficult for the worms to access the levels above.


Looking to get started with Worm Composting or for some bits and bobs to keep yours running happily? Pop on over to 

P.S. It's always the right time to get that old wormery up and running, order our rescue kit for everything you'll need (and instructions)

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