Wiggly Wigglers Premium Peanuts are a top-quality, high-nutritional bird feed option, packed with protein, oil, and essential nutrients vital for bird health and energy. Each batch is rigorously tested to ensure they are aflatoxin-free, making them safe for birds. Peanuts are an easy and clean feeding option, attracting a variety of birds to your garden without leaving a mess. Interestingly, peanuts are legumes, not nuts, and belong to the bean family, adding an educational aspect to your bird feeding experience.
While peanuts cannot be grown in the UK due to the climate, they are a fascinating plant. Their flowers bloom above ground, but the fertilised pods develop underground. After flowering, the plant’s stem pushes the immature pod into the soil, where it grows horizontally and matures safely. Each plant can produce over forty pods, with each pod containing two or more peanuts, maturing over four to five months. This unique growth process results in a high yield from a single plant. To ensure safe feeding and reduce the risk of young birds choking, use a mesh peanut feeder. These peanuts attract a variety of bird species, including blue tits, great tits, woodpeckers, nuthatches, sparrows, and finches.
Order Premium Peanuts here https://www.wigglywigglers.co.uk/collections/peanuts
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