Ahead of the COP26 summit in Glasgow Prince Charles said he worried that world leaders would “just talk”, adding: “The problem is to get action on the ground.” Well just for the record he is encouraging his tenants to actually take action on the ground itself and improve their natural capital. The focus is on biodiversity, historic environment, landscape, access, soil and water. We’re pleased to be a part of this scheme and a focus farm and have started with tree planting, establishing a wild flower meadow and restoring an ice age pond formed over 20,000 years ago. Pleased to be featured in the latest news from The Duchy.
Prince Charles and Natural Capital
You may have also heard about the Wiggly effort - forget the Dow Jones or the FTSE - the Wiggly Hedge Fund is where it’s at - and you can help us plant 500 metres of hedge this year to support wildlife and more. *This will equate to 4000 native hedge plants. For more info: https://www.wigglywigglers.co.uk/pages/the-wiggly-hedge-fund
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