Thanks to the tips that you our Wiggly Customers donated throughout 2021 we were able to achieve a commitment to plant 500 metres of hedging on the farm. This will provide huge benefits for wildlife and at the same time it will sequester about 2.25 T CO2e per year.
The team – Monty Phil and Steve have started the planting with 91 metres of hedge in the ground. We have used a mixed native thorn based hedge which of course is traditional in terms of being stock proof and provides habitat, shelter and food for a range of bugs, butterflies birds, and mammals. As there is plenty of blackthorn in our hedging mix we are also hoping it will supply a goodly dose of sloes for the Christmas Gin stocks…
The first hedge has been planted around a newly established wildflower meadow which we have planted on top of our Roman burial ground and wake site. It was in natural regeneration so we thought it would be perfect as a wildflower meadow as the soil is light and not very fertile so ideal for a meadow. We were delighted to gain some funding to establish it from Meadowmakers who have been set up in Herefordshire to establish new meadows and The Duchy who are very supportive. It will be maintained under our Stewardship scheme and you can read the details here
Please continue to follow progress on our hedge planting and maintenance as we progress more and more down the regenerative farming route. So far in the first year we have improved our carbon footprint by 25 tonnes. Much more to come as we increase compost use reducing reliance on conventional fertilisers, plough less and plant more cover crops. For more information on the direction we are headed please read Dirt to Soil by Gabe Brown and google Regen Ben… who is helping us develop our ideas and improve our farm for generations to come.
In the meantime thanks for your support from Wiggly Wigglers and to support our next project we have a tips scheme when you place an order which will help us develop our Piggy Bank