How to Use your Worm Compost

Worm-compost is very rich in nutrients and organic matter and can be used as an excellent medium to grow plants in. It is rich in soluble plant foods and its fine crumbly texture will greatly improve soil structure. It is not necessary to sterilise the com- post before using it in the garden, its bacterial content comprises beneficial species which will not harm your plants. It can be used in all the situations where compost is normally used, for example when planting seeds or shrubs; or as a top dressing for fast growing plants.

As a Fertiliser

Worm Compost is much more than just a simple fertiliser, although it can be used to keep favourite specimen plants in peak condition. The micro organisms present in Worm Compost are also useful in maintaining soil health. Used around the plant's base it will both feed the plant and help retain moisture for the roots. When planting out seedlings, beans etc sprinkle a little along the bottom of the trench to give them the best start in life.

As a Top Dressing

House plants in pots eventually use up the supply of fertilisers in their compost. Top dressing with Worm Compost is the ideal way to replenish the nutrient levels. Scoop out the top 1" (12mm) of compost from the pot and replace with fresh Worm Compost, then gently mix this in. The foodstuffs in the Worm Compost will be carried down to the roots by watering.

As a Compost

Worm Compost is an ideal base for mixing fine composts. The mix of prod- ucts in your own compost 'recipe' is,

of course, up to you, but as a starting point the following proportions will give good results:

- For potting:

25% Organic Compost, 25% Coir, 25% Perlite, 25% Sand

- For seeds:

25% Organic Compost, 25% Perlite, 50% Coir (Note that Ground Bark or Coco Peat are suitable alternatives to standard Moss Peat.)

As an Organic Soil Improver

Most soils can benefit from an increase in organic matter and natural fertiliser. To produce your own soil improver mix 5 litres of Worm Compost with the contents of a 50 litre bag of finely ground bark. Dig into the area of garden to be treated, apply- ing 2 litres per square metre. For an acidic garden bed (such as those containing Rhododendron species) a low pH material should be used instead of the ground bark.

Liquid Houseplant Feed

Don't forget that the liquid that you drain off from the sump can be used as a house or garden plant food. This is a highly concentrated liquid feed and it must be diluted with 10 parts of water before use.

View our full range of Worm Composting solutions here

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