12 Top Wiggly Tips and Tricks to help your wormery

Here are some hacks and tips to help you get your wormery running efficiently:

  1. Start with Healthy Worms: Begin with a healthy batch of composting worms, ours are a mix of Red and Dendra worms – specially chosen for their abilities to munch waste! Healthy worms will quickly adapt to their new environment and start composting effectively.
  2. Chop Food Scraps: Cutting or chopping food scraps into smaller pieces increases the surface area available for the worms to process. This accelerates the decomposition process and reduces the time it takes for the worms to break down the materials.
  3. Bury Food Scraps: Rather than placing food scraps on the surface, bury them within the bedding. This helps prevent fruit flies and other pests from being attracted to the decomposing materials and keeps the wormery odour-free.
  4. Use Worm-Friendly Bedding: Provide a comfortable bedding for the worms by using materials like shredded newspaper, cardboard, and coconut coir. This not only creates a cosy environment for the worms but also helps maintain moisture levels.
  5. Balance the Worm Bin: Maintain a balanced carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio) in your worm bin. Carbon-rich materials like paper and cardboard provide bedding and structure, while nitrogen-rich materials like food scraps supply nutrients. A good rule of thumb is to aim for roughly equal parts carbon and nitrogen by volume.
  6. Crushed Eggshells: Crushed eggshells are a great addition to your wormery as they provide grit for the worms’ digestion and help regulate the pH level in the bin.
  7. Aerate Regularly: Turning and fluffing up the bedding occasionally helps introduce air into the compost, preventing anaerobic conditions and promoting efficient decomposition.
  8. Rotate Feeding Areas: Instead of feeding in the same spot every time, rotate the feeding area around the bin. This allows the worms to distribute themselves more evenly and helps prevent overcrowding in one area.
  9. Maintain Optimal Moisture: Ensure the bedding stays consistently damp, resembling a wrung-out sponge. Too much moisture can lead to anaerobic conditions, while too little can dry out the worms.
  10. Avoid Overfeeding: Overfeeding can lead to slow decomposition and the production of excess moisture and odours. Feed the worms smaller amounts initially, and gradually increase the quantity as they adjust.
  11. Monitor pH Levels: Worms prefer a slightly acidic to neutral environment (pH around 6.5-7). If the pH becomes too acidic, consider adding crushed eggshells or a small amount of crushed limestone to balance it.
  12. Harvest Regularly: Remove finished castings regularly to create space for the worms to continue composting. Harvested worm castings can be used as nutrient-rich fertiliser for your plants.

By incorporating these hacks and tips, you can maximize the efficiency of your wormery and produce high-quality compost while keeping your worms healthy and happy.

For more about Worm Composting, Worms and Extra Bits, pop on over to https://www.wigglywigglers.co.uk/collections/worm-composting

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