8 Tips for Winter Worm Composting

Worm composting, also known as vermicomposting, can be a bit more challenging during the winter and cold weather, but with the right tweaks, you can continue composting successfully. Worms do prefer temperatures between 13°C to 25°C, but they do of course continue to consume waste even if they don’t breed at the same rate.

Here are some tips to help you maintain your worm composting system during the colder months:

  1. Insulate the Worm Bin: Use an insulated bin or create insulation by wrapping the bin with blankets, bubble wrap, or foam panels. This helps to regulate the temperature inside the bin.
  2. Choose a Suitable Location: Place your worm bin in a location where it’s protected from extreme cold, wind, and direct sunlight. A garage, or basement can be good options.
  3. Adjust Feeding: Worms may be less active in colder temperatures, so feed them smaller amounts of food scraps and avoid overfeeding. This prevents food from rotting and producing excess moisture.
  4. Use Bins with Lids: A bin with a good lid helps retain heat and keep out cold drafts. You can also cover the bedding with a layer of cardboard or moisture mat to further insulate it.
  5. Limit Disturbances: Minimise turning the bedding or harvesting castings unless necessary.
  6. Increase Worm Density: As temperatures drop, consider increasing the number of worms in your bin. More worms generate more heat through their activity.
  7. Harvest Carefully: If you need to harvest castings during the winter, do it gently and quickly to avoid exposing the worms to cold temperatures for too long.
  8. Backup Bin: Consider having a back up Bokashi Kit if you have gluts of waste in the Winter (Christmas dinner produces lots of valuable waste) as then you can ensure you keep composting without overfeeding your wigglers.

Remember that the specific approach you take will depend on the severity of the winter conditions. Regularly monitor the conditions in your worm bin and adjust your practices accordingly to ensure your worms’ health and the success of your composting efforts.

For more about Worm Composting, Worms and Extra Bits, pop on over to https://www.wigglywigglers.co.uk/collections/worm-composting

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